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6 Things To Know About Virginia’s Medical Marijuana Program

Ashley Slimak

Updated: May 4, 2021

Things to know about virginia medical marijuana

Medical marijuana is now legal in Virginia! This means that qualifying patients can obtain their marijuana card to access licensed dispensaries and purchase products. Medical marijuana is a promising alternative to traditional medicine that can help with a number of conditions including chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, cancer and more. If you are thinking about obtaining your Virginia medical marijuana card or would like more information about the program, we have provided 6 things you should know below.

1. Virginia is an all conditions state

In many states where medical marijuana is legal, there are specific medical conditions that only qualify for treatment. Fortunately in Virginia, any diagnosis that your physician decides can benefit from medical marijuana can qualify.

2. Your Virginia marijuana card is good for one year after the date of issuance

Your Virginia medical marijuana card will expire one year after the date of issuance. The state of Virginia then requires patients to renew their card every year.

3. Dispensaries are projected to open soon

The Virginia Board of Pharmacy has established five zones that will each have five pharmaceutical processors operating, so patients across Virginia have access to medical cannabis. According to Virginia NORML, four dispensaries are expected to open their doors this year with the first being Dharma in October. Green Leaf in Richmond is projecting an opening date in November and Columbia Care and Beyond/Hello are still waiting to announce official dates.

4. Virginia does not allow the sale of marijuana flower

Although Virginia law prohibits the sale of marijuana flower, there will still be a wide variety of products available to patients such as capsules, sprays, tinctures, oils, creams, gels, lozenges, patches, troches, suppositories and lollipops. The products must contain at least 5 mg of CBD or at least 5 mg of THCA per dose and cannot contain more than 10 mg THC per dose, or single unit.

5. There is a limit to how much you can purchase at a dispensary

Qualified medical marijuana patients may only receive up to a 90-day supply per visit at the dispensary.

6. Medical marijuana patients can have registered agents

Registered agents, or caregivers, are individuals who are authorized to visit licensed Virginia dispensaries and purchase medical marijuana products on behalf of a patient. Patients who are physically unable to visit dispensaries, like those in assisted living facilities or those who rely on home healthcare providers, qualify for having a registered agent. Registered agents ensure that patients can still have access to medical marijuana treatment.

If you are interested in medical marijuana treatment or have questions, please call us today at (888) 633-5808 to learn more about the process or schedule an appointment online.

Virginia Marijuana Card Doctors

If you are a Virginia resident suffering from a medical condition you think may benefit cannabis, you're likely eligible for medical marijuana treatment.

Click here to learn more about what Virginia Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at (888) 633-5808 and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process and schedule you for an evaluation appointment.

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